He has been tested, a few minor *cough* corrections made, and now he is all ready!
I really have had a love/hate relationship with making this little guy. I loved the challenge when my customer commisioned him from me, and thought, 'yep, looks easy enough, he's going to look great!'.
Unfortunately, he was so painfully frustrating to get 'just right'.
I had an idea, and image in my head, but the stitches just weren't falling in the right places, and his shape didn't look quite right.
I am a bit of an OCD perfectionist, I wanted him to look good, I mean, really good. Not only for me, and my own pride, but more importantly, the client waiting for him!
I knew I wanted his pattern to be fairly straightforward, so the nose, head and body needed to be one piece. - I hate sewing things together anyway, so I wanted to reduce that step as much as possible.
The first experiment looked okay - he was only a first draft so his colouring didnt matter. But that was a good thing, as it made me focus more on his shape.
A few adjustments noted, and I started on my second mouse. Optimistic, so I chose the right colouring. As I've mentioned in my previous post, he needed a shorter nose, and to be a bit podgier!
There is a lot of perseverance in designing a pattern. By that, I don't mean in patience, and just plodding on with something I dislike, but more, I need to have faith that what Im doing will start to look right, and come together the further I go.
The finishing touches really make an amigurumi perfect in my mind, and luckily, the longer I crocheted, the more confident I felt.
By the end of the project, I was pretty happy with him! Although, sitting him next to a photo showing the original Clangers, he was taller and still slimmer in comparison. But, as my hubby complimented, he looked 'cuter'! Well that sealed the deal, and the more I look at my Moon Mouse, the more I agree!
Modest of me I know! But as I said to my customer, when it gets to the point when I'm so pleased, I'm actually gutted I have to give a project away, thats when I know it's finished.
Speaking of which, I have had to start another couple of Moon Mice to help fill the void this lovely guy will leave when he travels to his new home!
<Violins softly playing...> ;-)
His pattern was sent off, and then reviewed and checked by several testers. Now, it's all tidy and hopefully, mistake free!
This is the link for his pattern in my Ravelry store. He is the only crocheted Clanger that I've seen so far, as originally, the Clangers were actually knitted toys used for the TV series. So I'm happy to have made a crocheted version!