Monday 18 August 2014

My Moon Mice

I have been asked to make a Clanger! 
Although they weren't showing in my childhood, I certainly remember the cute pink space mice with fondness, and their awesome whistling language.

I started looking for an existing pattern for the Clanger, but unfortunately, they are all knitted, and I can't knit! I couldn't find a single pattern, so I decided to make my own. Seemed simple enough. >cough<

I happily got the feet done... then got onto the rest! I like my patterns to be as straightforward and easy to make as possible. So I wanted to make the nose, head and body as one piece. As you can see, I got pretty frustrated with making the nose and head... I frogged that piece... ALOT.

Eventually, after lots and lots and lots of attempts, I came up with my Moon Mouse, experiment number one! 

Obviously, I just used any pink I had, hence why this guy looks rather sunburnt. He also has wayyy too big a nose, and needs to eat some cake!

To finish him fully, I'm just adding some hair and fingers. Then I need to get his armour completed and attached properly. At the minute, its just pinned in - although I do quite like the mulitcoloured pins and the effect it gives... Hmmm!

For my next Moon Mouse - experiment number two, he will hopefully be a closer 'Clanger' colour, and fatter! 

Stay tuned, and I'll update with more Moon mouse news soon!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Claire!
    I just purchased your moon mice pattern. Been going along nicely. Just a quick question that I believe i have the answer to, just want to double check before continuing! On round 28 it reads as follows : *sc4, Invdec* repeat once, sc13 (19) usually when it says to repeat, the repeat is from * to * so i at first assumed, as previously in the pattern that i would repeat *sc4, invdec* but then 13 sc do not fit after that. Should it be... sc4, *invdec* repeat once, sc13? So in other words, do 4 sc, then do 2 invdec's, then do 13 sc? That is the only way i see to equal 19 lol. Just dont want to have to go back if it's wrong! Thanks so much! My email is in case I dont get your reply on here. Thanks again! :-)


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